Understanding your supporter's story

Understanding the journey your supporters go on when taking part in a challenge event is vital. It provides the perfect opportunity to create long lasting relationships with your supporters.

There’s often a prolonged period of time between registration and event, this could be up to 12 months for one day events and often longer for multi-day or international treks and so provides the opportunity to really engage your supporters.

Their story - probably one of the most important elements of a challenge event and a way to really understand your supporters and their motivation.

In my experience ‘the story’ comes in three parts.

Motivation - the before story

Experience - the during story

Legacy - the after story

Motivation - the before story!


We often have an understanding of why yours in the chosen charity for each supporter, their motivation for engaging with your charity and wanting to fundraise for you. With challenge events there is an added element to this in why each supporter is willing to spend months preparing, training and fundraising, and maybe using a good part of their annual leave, to take part in this particular event.

What is it about this event that has inspired them?

Experience - the during story

Challenge events are an adventure! Whichever way we look at it, we can’t put ourselves through these physical, mental and emotional challenges without learning a whole lot about ourselves!

Not to mention the people we meet, the places we get to see along the way. These all contribute to the during story.

Legacy - the after story

What is the lasting impact the challenge event, and their experience with your charity, has on your supporter, and your charity?

Has this supporter gone on to support your charity in other ways? Have they become a volunteer or ambassador? Has the challenge event that you created for them led them to continue their challenge event or fitness journey?

What stories can you tell to inspire others on their challenge event journey for your charity?


Tracey Ann Breese

Tracey has spent more than 20 years taking part in challenge events from 5k events to multi-day international challenges.

To contact Tracey please email: [email protected]


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